This video is a representation of a booklet I made for my class of graduating students (New Design & Attitudes) at St Joost School of Art & Design. I could luckily meet the students in person at the academy and decided to make something physical to give to them. The booklet contains elements that are present in my practice with the designers’ collective Pink Pony Express, key elements of which are site-specific-research and site-specific-making. While I take a retrospectively look at my practice with Pink Pony Express, I try to make a connection between our way of working and my current teaching in higher art and design education.
In this process, I discover underlying notions such as not-knowing, reciprocity and relevance, which are all part of my overarching theme, ‘a pedagogy in the middle’. In the same way that all of the Pink Pony Express projects start (and try to stay) in the middle, and relate to a specific site, as a teacher I try to relate to the student – as if they were a site. Teaching then becomes a relational matter. The booklet shows me as a teacher trying to meet my students in the middle. It shows that the student’s voice matters (at least) as much as the teacher’s voice, and that looking at things beyond your own perspective is valuable.