I composed a manual, a collection of tips, tools, workshops and exercises, gathered via several art and/or social justice organizations. I believe these have the ability to help students understand and overcome issues such as hierarchical differences, personal and professional empowerment, care, the body, and the visibility of reproductive labour. They draw upon alternative pedagogies, critical thinking, and student-centred methods designed to support change. I am positive these tools and resources can address the disconnect between practice, critical thinking and professional development. This toolkit is meant to inspire lectors in charge of work placements, career development officers, educators in the arts and cultural industries, gallery educators, vocational/professional development tutors, student unions and others interested in labour theories. All contributions to the manual are guidelines and should be embraced as triggers for inspiration as much as anything else.
I’d like to see it as a growing collection. Please feel free to contribute your own worksheet, workshop, exercises, or suggestions for material that could be part of this manual. Click here to contribute.

Maud Berden, “Circle of Compliments,” 2021